BirdWeb: Birds Connect Seattle's Guide to the Birds of Washington State

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feathers Birds Accounts of Washington's bird species with images, maps, and sounds.
map Birding Sites and Ecoregions Washington's ecoregions and favorite birding sites in each.

Learn More About:

wing Species of Special Concern Washington bird species listed by state and federal agencies and by Audubon.
binoculars Birding Resources Birding organizations and events in Washington and other useful references.

  Bird of the Week  

Bird of the week image

Turkey Vulture

Cathartes aura

Turkey Vultures are scavengers, using their highly sensitive olfactory system to find carrion, even under a thick forest canopy. This species is widespread, found throughout North America and south to Tierra del Fuego. Look for dihedral ("V") wing pattern in flight, and pale gray primaries and secondaries. Turkey Vultures migrate south to Central and South America.

  Birding Site of the Week  

Birding Site of the week image

San Juan Islands

Puget Trough

A diversity of habitats grace the San Juan Islands, from rocky coastline to oak and grasslands to 2,400-foot Mount Constitution. The Olympic rainshadow means an annual rainfall of about 25 inches. The islands host the highest concentration of nesting Bald Eagles and Peregrine Falcons in the state.

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birders with binoculars

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Birds Connect Seattle